New medical reports are increasingly finding a correlation between sleep apnea and high blood pressure. Over 35 percent of sleep apnea patients have blood pressure higher than normal (140/90 mmHg). From the other point, 30 percent of all with high blood pressure also suffer from sleep apnea. For those that despite treatment didn’t see lower blood pressure, the percentage of sleep apnea increases to 83 percent. Treatment for instance by sleep apnea face masks may lead to lower and more normal blood pressure. Sleep apnea also takes a toll on the heart and its functions. Untreated interruptions of breathing during the night can lead to permanent damage to blood vessels and other important organs for blood circulation. High blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, heart failure, and increased chances of heart attacks and strokes can be examples of permanent sleep-apnea damage. You can decrease the toll on the blood vessels and heart by getting treatment quickly after being diagnosed.
Research has shown sleep apnea patients have a significantly higher risk of traffic collisions and accidents on the road. It may seem like an insignificant mask, but getting a CPAPPRO will not only improve your medical well-being but may decrease your chance of getting into possibly fatal traffic- or workplace accidents. A study of 800 people with sleep apnea and 800 with no sleep disorders found people with apnea are twice as likely to experience a traffic accident. Those with sleep disorders also experienced a 3-5 times greater chance of crashing their own vehicle. The group with sleep-apnea patients experienced 250 collisions in three years, while those without any sleep disorders experienced 123 collisions. Also, those with a milder form of apnea saw an increased chance of being involved in traffic accidents.
The difficulty concentrating and processing information as a lack of little sleep is a big danger. Some with this syndrome will experience falling asleep at the movie theatre, at work, during dinner, or while driving. Many of the patients also experience daytime fatigue, headaches, and dry mouth, particularly in the mornings. There are also a variety of mental problems that may be linked to sleep deprivation, maybe, particularly depression and anxiety. In general, people suffering from sleep disorders have a worse quality of life and the sudden stops of breathing are hard on the patient’s heart, body, and blood circulation. The most common treatment is sleep apnea face masks, most commonly a CPAP breathing mask that will help the patient breathe through the night. Not just a respirator, CPAP masks blow air and can keep your breathing going smoothly. CPAPPRO with no straps or headgear eliminates a problem often experienced with such masks, including feeling claustrophobic or pain due to wearing the mask at night.
See also: Sleep-Apnea and Sexual Dysfunction in Men
What can you do to better the situation yourself, in addition to getting medical treatment? Getting more exercise and losing weight might help. It is important to quit smoking and try to avoid alcohol. Sleeping on a bigger or taller pillow it won’t make your apnea disappear but may help decrease the symptoms. Whether it’s a CPAP mask, sleep medication, or another form of treatment, talking to your health care specialist is crucially important in order to be diagnosed and treated accordingly. Millions of Americans suffer from sleep apnea without recognizing it themselves. Recognizing your problem is the first step in solving the problem!