About Us

Stevenson Industries has been a leading provider of sleep apnea masks for nearly twenty years. Established by a patient himself, our founder was disappointed with the various options he was provided for his sleeping disorder, and he decided to create his own product to help people suffering as much as he did. After trying on the various CPAP products on the market, he discovered that most of them required tight head-straps and/or headgear to keep it on during the night’s turning and tossing. These were either extremely uncomfortable or even intolerable to wear during the night. Knowing the sometimes fatal consequences of untreated sleeping disorders, Goldstein decided to create the best CPAP mask available by utilizing nasal pillows to keep the mask in its place.

CPAPPRO became an immediate best-selling product for people with severe- or moderate chronic sleep deprivation. With its two nasal cushions attached to a Y-coupling, which again is attached to an oral appliance, the product revolutionized the market by eliminating all needs for straps in any shape or form. This also led to the product more famously being known as the NOMASK, - which is really what it feels like! Say goodbye to the uncomfortable, unbearable traditional masks, tight straps, and painful headgear. Suffering from insomnia just once in a great while can be a great challenge. You toss and turn, and before knowing it, the alarm is already ringing and you get up for a new day of limited rest the night before. Chronic insomnia is even worse. Multiple diagnoses and disorders are linked to chronic sleeping interruptions. If left untreated, sleep apnoea can lead to extreme fatigue, impotence, morning headaches, high blood pressure, emotional disturbances, heart problems, strokes, higher irritability, lack of concentration, and in some cases even death due to the lack of oxygen during nighttime. Knowing all these possible consequences of untreated sleeping disorders, make sure to consult with your healthcare professional and contact us for the best CPAP masks available on the world market. Our products are proudly made in the U.S.A. and we’re proud to have received recommendations from various respected physicians and sleep experts throughout the world.

Make sure to consult with your healthcare specialist before proceeding with any treatment. It is of utmost importance to be evaluated by your physician or another specialist to be diagnosed and recommended types of treatment. For moderate to severe forms of sleep apnea, many doctors will recommend the use of a sleep apnea face mask during nighttime. The most common form of obstructive insomnia occurs when the soft tissues of the back of the throat go into relaxation during nighttime, ultimately ending up blocking the airways causing rater loud snoring. When the body is awake, the throat muscles keep the airways open and stiff so air can flow into the lungs. When asleep, throat muscles relax and narrow the throat, and for people suffering from chronic insomnia, the airways can become entirely blocked. This leads to not only loud snoring but often results in a significant drop in blood oxygen levels as well. A drop in oxygen during the night can not only lead to health dangers such as higher blood pressure than normal but is also linked to high risks of strokes, heart attacks, heart failures, and irregular heart beating. Left untreated, chronic insomnia can also increase the risks of diabetes, obesity, and other potentially life-threatening health issues.

Trying out our exclusive NOMASK option has helped thousands of people throughout the world who previously suffered from chronic insomnia or similar sleeping disorders. Not only will it eliminate any problems of snoring, so often leading to couples sleeping in separate bedrooms, but it will also eliminate the pain of waking up from breathing problems during nighttime. Let’s take back sweet dreams and say goodbye to sleepless nights. Disappointed with the traditional breathing devices? Our products won’t disappoint you. With our revolutionary improvements within the CPAP technology, you can rest assured that you are only one phone call away from putting an end to sleepless nights altogether. For more information about sleep disorders, symptoms, and treatments, make sure to get a copy of our founder’s book describing his own challenges with sleep deprivation. The book is titled Snoring Can Kill!!: Discover How Sleep Apnea Can Be Ruining Your Life and was written by the founder Joseph Goldstein, and published by the Caren Publishing Group. If you have problems with chronic insomnia, then CPAPPRO may be the solution you have been waiting for.