Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Silent Nightly Killer of Children | CPAP Pro Masks

Can snoring lead to death? As children are far from immune to sleep apnea, we at CPAP Pro know all too well the dangers associated with sleep apnea syndrome. As a leading provider of CPAP masks since the late 90s, we are proud of our NoMask which has helped thousands of suffering kids throughout the United States. Our founder is an apnea patient himself and released the NoMask sleep apnea machine for a more comfortable and user-friendly CPAP mask. He is also the author of the best-selling book Snoring Can Kill, which was published in 1999. To give some well-deserved attention and information on sleep disorders in children and adolescents, we have collected some tips from our expertise of more than eighteen years of work with treating apnea.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is prevalent in 2-3 percent of kids. As many as 13-14 percent of teenagers suffer from obesity and possibly accompanying OSA. In children, it can easily go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed as it is harder to detect than in adults. In children it is most frequently caused by either 1) Obesity or 2) Enlarged tonsils/adenoids. Heavy snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness may be the two most obvious signs of OSA, but there are also some other warning signs to look for. If your child is a heavy snorer it may be a warning light and the child should be seen by a sleep specialist. While surgical procedures may be an option, many are also treated with sleep apnea masks such as our NoMask. Let CPAP Pro present some of the most common signs of OSA and how your child can be treated.

Apnea Signs

As the title of Joe Goldstein’s book implies, “Snoring Can Kill” (1999). One of the most common signs of OSA is continued heavy- and gasp-like snoring during bedtime. Behavioral- and academic difficulties often accompany OSA, even leading some to misdiagnose it as ADHD. The child will more often than not also suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness. The child may be hyperactive, sometimes aggressive, and have problems concentrating. As in adults, apnea patients often suffer from headaches when waking up as well as high blood pressure. Bed-wetting can be another accompanying issue. Children with OSA have often problems paying attention to detail, don’t listen when talked to, and have problems staying organized. Keeping attention to one thing may seem difficult, and the child may seem forgetful in everyday tasks. OSA can carry many of the same symptoms as ADHD. A simple but easy-to-use sleep apnea machine is the most common form of treatment, and the use of such a mask can be easy and comfortable. If left untreated, the OSA can create permanent memory- and learning damage. An array of other diseases are linked to OSA, including various lethal heart diseases. Is your child a heavy snorer? Children who snore heavily are particularly vulnerable to OSA, and according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), such children should be screened by a sleep specialist. 

Apnea Treatment

Office CPAP Pro Sleep Apnea Masks in Simi Valley, CA
CPAP Pro is located in Simi Valley, CA
When enlarged adenoids or tonsils are the main cause of OSA, a surgical procedure may be preferred. For children with OSA as a result of being overweight or obese, face masks such as BIPAP and CPAP may be recommended. A CPAP mask will make breathing easier, resulting in a deeper sleep and an end to snoring. When recommended by a physician or sleep specialist, acquiring such a face mask may alleviate the sleep disorder. While any child may be resistant to using a mask during sleep, patience is the key to treating a child with CPAP machines. With no annoying or pailful equipment such as straps, strings, or headgear, our NoMask is the most comfortable CPAP mask on the world market. Nonetheless, there are certain tips on how you can make the CPAP change easier for the child. Let him or her try the mask on during the daytime, to see how it feels. Have lots of patience in the beginning. It may be necessary for a couple of nights to check if the child is still using the mask during nighttime. While tonsillectomy can treat children with surgical removal of their enlarged tonsils or adenoids, children who suffer from apnea caused by obesity are often treated with CPAP masks.

See Also: What Really Happens When You're Asleep?

Many patients utilizing a sleep apnea mask of any sort are too well aware of the many discomforts accompanying the masks. This is why the NoMask is a revolutionary product on the market. As the name implies, NoMask is the closest to a no-mask feeling you can get while still treating your apnea. With no annoying strings attached and no headgear, NoMask is comfortable and lets you twist and turn while asleep. “How to make CPAP more comfortable!?” is a repetitive question we get asked all the time. The solution might just be the award-winning NoMask product which has eliminated the CPAP pain and torture for thousands of patients.