More than 30 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep deprivation due to sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. The latter can lead to numerous medical complications and illnesses and is for example linked to various heart diseases, diabetes, high risk of stroke, several mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and so much more. Getting treatment for your disorder is therefore crucially important fast in order to reduce the risk of any accompanying illnesses or health challenges. If you are suffering from a chronic lack of rest, check out this article to make the first step in living a life free from sleepless nights.
A person that knows the challenges accompanying sleep apnea firsthand is our founder, Joe Goldstein. After having been diagnosed with sleep apnea himself, Joe was disappointed when introduced to the various masks on the market, and ultimately, in 2000, he decided to launch our revolutionary product. Little did Joe know that the product would revolutionize the nasal technology for sleep apnea mask products with its nasal interference, ultimately masking it among the best CPAP masks available worldwide. Joe found the traditional masks on the market often came along with painful headgear, - such as straps going around the head and other uncomfortable equipment to align the mask to the facial area. What turned out to be revolutionary with the CPAPPRO is the use of nasal pillows attached to an oral appliance, completely eliminating the need for either headgear or painful straps. By keeping the nasal puffs in alignment by a pliable dental appliance, it simply eliminates all needs for head-straps and other headgear, gaining the nickname NOMASK.
A person that knows the challenges accompanying sleep apnea firsthand is our founder, Joe Goldstein. After having been diagnosed with sleep apnea himself, Joe was disappointed when introduced to the various masks on the market, and ultimately, in 2000, he decided to launch our revolutionary product. Little did Joe know that the product would revolutionize the nasal technology for sleep apnea mask products with its nasal interference, ultimately masking it among the best CPAP masks available worldwide. Joe found the traditional masks on the market often came along with painful headgear, - such as straps going around the head and other uncomfortable equipment to align the mask to the facial area. What turned out to be revolutionary with the CPAPPRO is the use of nasal pillows attached to an oral appliance, completely eliminating the need for either headgear or painful straps. By keeping the nasal puffs in alignment by a pliable dental appliance, it simply eliminates all needs for head-straps and other headgear, gaining the nickname NOMASK.
Some words from the inventor of CPAP PRO
“I hate to brag, but as a layman, I accomplished something that is extremely unique in the field of medical sleep apnea devices. After being diagnosed with severe sleep apnea at UCLA in 1996, I was given what was then a state-of-the-art CPAP machine, also a very cumbersome Fisher Paykel heated humidifier, and a newly introduced Sullivan/Resmed “bubble mask” which was reputed to be the best and most comfortable at that time. Truly, I couldn’t wait to get into bed that first night and have the best night's sleep in ages. Unfortunately, it was extremely uncomfortable and quite irritating, but I was determined that I would persevere and endure the leaks, the tight strap irritation, the leakage into my eyes, and the claustrophobia. I tried and tried every night to get used to my new CPAP regimen, but finally had to take two Advil pills prior to bedtime and rub the painkiller Xylocaine around my nose… Hoping to fall asleep before the pain became too unbearable.
Although I had absolutely no experience or knowledge about masks; as an inventor in the packaging industry, at 3 am one intolerable morning, I decided to create a better device for delivering air to the nostrils… Something unique and radical to eliminate all the straps and headgear. And then from out of the blue, it dawned on me: The upper teeth are always in perfect alignment with your upper teeth! So after years and years of testing, making prototypes, obtaining patents and FDA approval (and spending tons of my own personal money)… CPAP PRO® was born!!! With absolutely no painful headgear, straps, annoying leaks, or claustrophobia, I am proud to say that thousands of sleep apnea victims throughout the world are getting the best possible sleep ever with my creation. Throughout the years, I have received scores of letters, phone calls, and yes “blessings” from grateful NOMASK users all over the world that tell me that I have made their CPAP regimen much more tolerable for them… They can twist and turn, press their head against the pillow and everything stays in place without annoying leaks or discomfort. May I suggest that you go to my site to learn more about the unique CPAP PRO and glance at the many unsolicited, honest testimonials from fellow apnea patients? Yes… I am just a sleep apnea patient like you and I’m proud to state that I did build a better mousetrap to make the use more tolerable!”
Read also: Danger Lurks In Your CPAP Humidifier!
Joe Goldstein is not only the inventor but also the author of Snoring Can Kill!!, a best-selling book on the dangers of suffering from apnea. Continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, is the most widely used medical device for apnea patients and other breathing disorders. It will eliminate sleep apnea and with that also remove the risks of dangerous and possibly deadly heart- and cardiovascular diseases. The technology first emerged in 1980 and was quickly preferred to older treatment methods involving medical surgery. While the first masks sounded like loud vacuum cleaners, the technology has improved a lot since the 80s. But as explained by our founder in the book Snoring Can Kill!!, there are still many challenges with some of the current options still offering painful headgear and/or uncomfortable straps to align the device. First introduced in 2000, our product revolutionized the market by eliminating the need for straps and creating a much more user-friendly breathing machine.
Read also: Danger Lurks In Your CPAP Humidifier!
Joe Goldstein is not only the inventor but also the author of Snoring Can Kill!!, a best-selling book on the dangers of suffering from apnea. Continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, is the most widely used medical device for apnea patients and other breathing disorders. It will eliminate sleep apnea and with that also remove the risks of dangerous and possibly deadly heart- and cardiovascular diseases. The technology first emerged in 1980 and was quickly preferred to older treatment methods involving medical surgery. While the first masks sounded like loud vacuum cleaners, the technology has improved a lot since the 80s. But as explained by our founder in the book Snoring Can Kill!!, there are still many challenges with some of the current options still offering painful headgear and/or uncomfortable straps to align the device. First introduced in 2000, our product revolutionized the market by eliminating the need for straps and creating a much more user-friendly breathing machine.